Founders: Apostle : Jean Willy Kiti
Prophetess/First Lady: Sheree Ann Kiti
Church Vision:
Exodus 13:21
"And the Lord went before them by day, as a pillar of a cloud to lead them the way; and by night in a pillar of fire, to give them light; to go by day and night, and it did not depart from the people".(Here in this scripture, we have the Holy Spirit with us to direct our path, to bring light in the darkness, darkness meaning evil.)
Psalms 11: 3-4
" 3. if the foundations are destroyed, what can the rightous do, or what has He wrought or accomplished? 4. The Lord is His holy temple; the Lord's throne is in heaven. His eyes behold; His eyelids test and prove the children of men". (Acts 7:49; Revelation 4:2) (Here in these scriptures, the foundation means the true word of God, with revelation through the rightousness of the people of God to rebuild the foundation of the church.)
Isaiah 58: 11-12
"ll. And the Lord shall guide you continually and satisfy you in drought and in dry places and make strong your bones. And you shall be like a watered garden and like a spring of water whose waters fail not. 12. And your ancient ruins shall be rebult; you shall raise up the foundations of many generations; and you shall be called the Repairer of the Breach, Restorer of the Steets to Dwell in." (Here in these scriptures, is the reason we need the holy spirit, and rightousness in our time to rebuild the foundation of the true church, with love, obedience, humility, worship and praise in spirit and in truth.)
Pillar of Fire Ministry
"He who wins souls to Christ, is wise, therefore, we are to seek and save the lost!"
Faith Confession
To build the body of Christ with the instruction of the Holy Spirit for the glory of God; We believe in Jesus Christ, in God the Father, and the Holy Spirit. We believe in the baptism of the water by complete submersion in the baptism of the Holy Spirit, and resurrection of death.
Prophetess Sheree Ann Kiti
Back in 1999, I was 19 years of age when I had been invited out to an Apostolic Church on a Wednesday night for bible study. I had no Idea what I was in for! I heard a great message on living right for Christ. I knew a little about church from going with my grandmother when I was just a teenager, but I knew nothing of the Holy Spirit. Well, that night I was invited up to the alter for prayer and from that point my life changed. The only thing I did remember was someone asking me did I want to be prayed for and the next thing I knew, I was up in the air speaking in my heavenly language! It started in my feet, and then in my belly, and out of my mouth were cloven tongues like as of fire; I was filled with the precious gift of the holy ghost. From that point I taught children's church for 17 years, sang in the choir/praise team, was a prayer intercessor, and led the praise team for a long time. During that time, I was given a word from the Lord through the gift tongues and interpretation. The Lord spoke to me these words, " I am pouring out the things of my heart for you to grow, and to mature in, I am calling you as my own, to teach, and reach the lost, I will give you the words to say, trust in me, and seek my face continuously", this was spoken to me over 22 years ago! I still remember like it was yesterday. 22 years later I'm still living for God never back slid, and still pressing towards the mark of the high calling in Christ Jesus our Lord. Furthermore, the Lord called me to be a minister of the Gospel. In May of 2012 I became an ordained Minister upholding my vow of integrity, and spiritual obligation to tell the truth, and preach the word. I was content with Just me and Jesus, But God saw fit to bless me with a wonderful man of God, Apostle Jean Willy Mafumbata Kiti. We married in November 2015, and I became a Pastors wife. God then called us to start our Ministry in our home in 2016, with Pillar of Fire Church! While in prayer God has given us another name for the church, Christian Mission Revelation Pillar of Fire! Here we are!
On Sunday December 6, 2020, I was ordained as Prophetess, by My Husband Apostle Kiti, and the Fivefold ministry was also ordained into place. We have a total of 6 children, Briaunna Seline Flint, Khevin Dashawn Flint, Glodie Phen Kiti, Jean Julienne Mondo Kiti, Maxwell Christopher Horn, Jasiah Grace Kiti. We Love our children. I have had a passion for the healthcare field all my life, and we opened one of the first black owned Phlebotomy Schools in the city of Detroit, which is called Pillar of Fire Skilled Learning Phlebotomy Center LLC. I'm currently a Nursing student at Dorsey College. This is my story. God bless you and thanks for reading!!!!
Apostle Jean Willy M. Kiti
Since my childhood, I was raised catholic because my parents were catholic. I was baptized in the catholic church, I was in the choir, and Young of light group serving in the mass, like the other children. In 1982 things changed completely in my life; from the ordinary to the extraordinary, from natural to supernatural and from carnal to spiritual. My life changed direction completely. Indeed that night, In a vision, I received a visit from an angel and he asked me to be his wife; (2 Corinthians 11:2, John 3:29) surprised by the request he said you will understand later. In the vision, I was on my knees before him, and he asked me to stand up, when I stood I woke up out of my sleep, and directly I started praying from 3 am to 5 am. This was the first time in the history of my Christian life this happened. That day after prayer, I left the house from 6 am and returned at 6 o'clock in the evening. I spent the whole day preaching in the street without a bible, or anything to eat at all. It was a Friday and I received the extraordinary baptism of the Holy Spirit. That Sunday I was at the church of Bethel, in Limete of the apostle Mbiye Emmanuel. Sunday after they went to baptize people in the water, and when my turn came, after I was submerged, manifestations of the gifts of the Holy Spirit and speaking in tongues started and prophecy. The Thursday after this Sunday, I preached for the first time on the corner of 12th street in debonhomme à matete on Galatians 5: 16-26 and everyone was in all astonishment. My mission begins with the travel missions in several countries . Various miracles happened, deliverance of demon possessed people, resurrection of death, barren women who became fertile, people were delivered from HIV and several other warrior diseases, implantation of the churches and mass evangelization began and many souls were saved everywhere in Cameroon and the Christian conferences; the list is so long but brief. All those things were operated in the name of Jesus Christ, by the power of the Holy Spirit. Presently I am here now in the USA, sent by God for the continuation of his will with the mission as Apostle by the grace and the will of God. Currently, I am the Pastor of Christian Mission Church Pillar of Fire, with my wonderful wife, Minister, Sheree Kiti, in Detroit, Michigan. God has blessed us with our own building; 2625 Tyler Street Detroit, Michigan 48238. We truly hope to see you there to come and fellowship with us. God Bless you all. We love you.