"Father God, The Head of All, in Our Life, CEO"
Ann Kiti, Master Phlebotomist, Studied Health Administration, Nursing Student, CPT, AHI Instructor, Owner, Founder, COO, CFO & Director of Student Affairs
Pillar of Fire Skilled Learning Phlebotomy
Center LLC
Jean Willy Kiti President, Founder, CPT, Clinical Instructor
Master of Theology; Biblical Studies
8 years ago, my Husband I received a vison from God, to start a church (Pillar of Fire) and a Trade school. We continued to pray until the manifestation began to come to pass. This year in prayer the Lord spoke and said, "you will no longer be the employee, but the employer". I knew in my heart that I was a leader and with God for me, who could be against me! So, by faith, my husband and I began to just walk in the grace of God and believe what God had told us. Here we are today with the windows of heaven pouring out upon us. The building for the church and the school. 'Wont he do it"??????? Yes, Amen and Amen.
Our Mission: To make a difference in the lives of other individuals through the word of God, Education and training for salvation and elevation!
Our Vision: "Walk by faith, not by sight, and believe anything is possible with God for them that believe".
We welcome you to our school. We are a private owned and operated skilled learning center. You are our main focus! We teach the most up to date curriculum leading rolls in the Phlebotomy Technician Field. We are not a basic Phlebotomy school. We teach Skilled Learning Phlebotomy so that our students can come into the industry with knowledge, ability, and confidence, to perform at a professional level. It is with great integrity that we meet the objective that we set out to do for our students which is to provide the highest quality training for qualified positions as a Phlebotomy Technician, IV Placement Certificate, Patient care Technician, EKG Technician and CPR Certified. Our Programs consists of motivating weeks of skillful learning in the classroom, in house clinical, and help with job placement! We wont let you fail!
"We are now a provider for students working with Michigan Works,
Troy, Warren, Oak Park & Detroit
Ask about our Newest Program "Phlebotomy in a Day Program."
We are a national testing site for professional Allied Healthcare certifications.
We start training for 16-year-olds and up!! call us to inquire.
Our Youth summer camp is every year in the month of August.
for students 8-12 years and up. Class will be every Thursday and Friday (For 10 sessions)
from 9AM-12PM
student will learn Basic Phlebotomy on training mannequins, CPR, Infection control practices.
Standard Phlebotomy Package:
$1500 / $500 Deposit (This offer is only valid for regular phlebotomy class with no IV
Promo Phlebotomy Special: $900/$300 Deposit no IV
All others Have a regular Fee of $2,100 Phlebotomy with IV Certification Deposit $500
State certification cost is $250.
BLS Certification $100 We Now Offer CPR INSTRUCTOR TRAINER CLASSES $500
IV Placement $600 with $300 deposit
Patient Care Technician $2600 Deposit $800
cash pay students $1800 with $600 deposit.
EKG Technician $1800 Deposit $600
cash pay students $1500 with $500 deposit.
Premier Phlebotomy Package ($2100) includes Phlebotomy Technician & IV Placement Technician
Next upcoming Phlebotomy, Classes is as follows:
January 13, 2025, Monday morning 9am-12pm/Afternoon 12:30 pm - 3:30 pm/Eve
Pharmacy Technician
January 13, 2025 evening 4:30 pm-6:30
​​​Need a virtual Mailbox? Sign up with this link:
We offer French Speaking Classes: By Mr. Kiti!!!!
Phlebotomy Refresher course $500 deposit/ $250 4 weeks 2 days a week
IV Placement Technician $600 deposit/ $300 3 days
Vital Signs Training $200 deposit/ $100 1 week
Medical Billing/Coding $3000 deposit/ $1000 9 weeks 2 days a week
Injection Training $400 deposit $200 8 weeks two days a week
We do BLS 6 Days a week just call for an appointment.
K-12 BLS $65 Per Person /ACLS $300
*Debit/Credit Cards ONLY*
Pillar of Fire Skilled Learning Phlebotomy Center LLC
"Phlebotomy is what we do"
Training Classes Payment
We are conveniently located inside the McNichols Office Center:
11000 W. McNichols Suites 302,307, 308, 309,310,311,313 Detroit, MI 48221
Monday: 8:30 a.m. - 6:30 p.m.
Tuesday: 8:30 a.m.-6:30 p.m.
Wednesday: 1:00 p.m.-6:00 p.m.
Thursday: 8:30 a.m.-6:30 p.m.
Friday: Open Lab 4:30 p.m.-6:00 p.m.
Saturdays 9 a.m.-4:00 p.m.
Sunday: Closed
ACLS, BLS, IV Placement Classes & Vitals Class, available upon request
Bring your ID/SS# to register for classes.
A chest x-ray or TB Test is required for clinicals.
We are partnered with a 5-star rating certification company:
MedCa Certification Company
***We are closed all Holidays and Sundays ***
We can't wait to train you!!!!
email: phlebcntrllc@gmail.com
website: pillaroffireskilledlearningphlebotomycenter.org
Cell: 313-747-9733/313-500-7641
Office: 313-758-6200
Fax: 313-758-6161